Meaningful Volunteer recently conducted training on Natural Family Planning at the San Augustin Training Center. Ms. Mitos Rivera of International Reproductive Health (IRH) was invited to conduct the said event.
The event was part of Meaningful Volunteer's Project Lifecycle program which aims to put cheap and affordable contraceptives in the hands of rural Filipinas.
The objective of this seminar is to educate the Barangay Health Workers (BHW) on the SDM (Standard Days Method) Beads as a natural method of family planning to a level where they feel confident to help educate others. Each BHW will receive certification and access to further support services.
A total of forty one (41) BHWs were trained. They came from the barangays of Poblacion, Dona Juana, Binongaan, Lusong, and Cagboaya. Alicia Grant, a volunteer from Australia did the preparation and realization of the activity.
This is the second such training event that Meaningful Volunteer has conducted.