The Payawpao Orchids recently promoted their crafts during a market day that was organized by the local government.
The Orchids took turns selling items throughout the day.
A total of 500 pesos was raised ($US 10.46). This was quite a bit lower than what was hoped for. It highlighted for the Orchids that San Agustin in not their target market. Selling items to their fellow Filipinos helps a little, but the real gains are to be made in the international market via the soon-to-be released Meaningful Shop website.
In other related news, Vivina Bance - a Payawpao Orchid - recently demonstrated how to make the paper beads to a livelihood project mini-conference.
The Orchids have a philosophy of sharing their knowledge to as many people as possible, even if it means some of these people end up becoming their competitors.